Lone Star Holiday Party

Raffle 2023

Lone Star Raffle - Games of Chance


Charities Supported

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.



  • Who can enter:

    • Employees Only
  • How long do I have to enter:

    • All donations accepted starting Monday, October 30th
    • Toy donations accepted through 4 pm CST on Thursday, December 7th.  If you do not live in DFW, please ship your toys for delivery during normal business hours  to: 4555 Excel Parkway, Suite 500, Addison, TX 75001
    • Online and cash donations accepted until 5 PM on Friday, December 8th
  • How much are toy donations worth:

    • We will give you the retail value based on manufacturers MSRP or normal retail price.  3rd party reseller values will not be accepted for purposes of determining donation value
  • In what order are the prizes drawn:

    • Raffles will be drawn in the order shown in this presentation
  • Can I win more than one prize:

    • No. Once your name is drawn for a prize, you will be removed from remaining raffles
  • How long do I have to book my trip:

    • Travel Must Be Taken In 2024
  • Can I get cash value instead:

    • We are not giving away money, the value must be put towards the experience or topic won.  You may alter prize content within the limit of the value associated with each one.  We will cover the assigned value associated with each prize – you can add more if you wish
  • Will I receive physical tickets:

    • No, your name will be entered into a spreadsheet for the number of entries you purchased. automated reverse raffle software will be used to determine the winner
  • What is a reverse raffle:

    • In a reverse raffle, every ticket (entry) in the raffle pool is drawn and the winner is the final ticket (entry) drawn from the pool
  • How do I enter multiple raffles:

    • If paying online, you will need to purchase entries for each individual raffle. this will result in multiple card transactions
    • If paying with cash, check or toys, your entries will manually be entered into the website
  • Do I have to be present to win:

    • No, you do not have to be present to win
  • Will there be a buy in option:

    • No, there will not be an option to buy back into the top 10, so please get your tickets early
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