Lone Star Holiday Party

Fundraiser 2023

Lone Star Christmas Fundraiser


Total Donation:


Monty Hall Showcase

  • Employees can buy tickets for a chance to be a contestant in a Monty Hall problem type showcase at the Christmas Party
  • Three Winners:
    • 1st name drawn will play the showcase
    • 2nd and 3rd names drawn will receive the prizes behind the doors not chosen
  • Surprise Prizes are part of the game of Chance!
  • Contestant must be at party to participate, but other two winners do not have to be present.


  1. These prizes are sure to make you smile… maybe even laugh. 
  2. Two prizes are very festive, to help you show off your Christmas spirit!


  • Who can enter?

    • Any Lone Star Employee can buy a ticket.
  • How much does each ticket cost?

    • $5
  • When can I buy tickets?

    • Tickets will start being sold Monday, November 6, 2023.
    • Online ticket sales will continue through 11:59 PM Friday December 8, 2023.
    • Cash ticket sales at the office will conclude 4PM on Friday December 8, 2023. There will be an opportunity to purchase tickets with CASH ONLY at the party from 6-7 during cocktail hour.
  • How do I buy tickets?

    • Tickets can be purchased online at the holiday website with a credit card.
    • Tickets can also be purchased at the office with Cash brought to Katlin Trice in 500.
  • Can I allocate money from toy donations to this fundraiser?

    • No.
  • How will the tickets for this fundraiser work?

    • For this fundraiser, we will be using physical tickets, with participants name on them. You will not have to keep up with a ticket stub. Tickets will be placed in the box upon purchase of the ticket. At the Christmas party, we will draw tickets from the box. The order of the tickets drawn will determine the participant order to participate in our Monty Hall Showcase.
  • How does the showcase work?

    • The showcase is designed to resemble the Monty Hall probability problem. We will have 3 mystery prizes and three winners.
    • The first participant will select one of the three available “doors”.
    • Our emcee will reveal the prize behind one of the two “doors” not selected by the first participant and that prize will go to the third participant.
    • Then the first participant will be given the opportunity to either stay with the “door” they originally selected or to change their selection to the remaining closed “door”.
    • Once the first participant has finalized their decision, the door not selected will be opened and given to the second participant.
    • Finally, the door selected by the first participant will be opened to reveal their prize.
  • Do I have to be present at the party to win?

    • Since this is a showcase at the party that requires participation, the first participant must be at the party. The second and third winners do not have to be present, but it will certainly be more fun if they are. To account for unforeseen circumstances or for remote employees unable to come to the party, each ticket holder can also define a proxy to participate in their place.
  • What do we mean by proxy participant?

    • When you purchase tickets, you will be able to write in another Lone Star Employee name that will participate in the showcase for you in the event you can not attend the party.
    • If the first name drawn and their proxy are both not at the party, we will use that ticket as the second participant and redraw for the first participant. If the redraw for first is also not at the party, they will be the third participant. After that, we will draw until we have a participant or proxy at the party to serve as the first participant.
  • What are the prizes of the showcase?

    • The prizes will remain a mystery until the showcase occurs at the party. We will have one “showcase prize” and two “consolation prizes” of lesser value. As the party approaches, we will reveal some hints about the prizes.
  • Can I buy more than one tickets?

    • Of course, this is a fundraiser to support our charities this year.
  • Can I win more than one prize?

    • No, we will have three individual winners. If your name is drawn for more than one of the first three draws, we will redraw, and you will keep your original order.
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